- Ongoing Outpatient Therapy: If recommended, your child will be referred for outpatient therapy services including physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech.
- School Reintegration Program: While in the Hospital, the team will work closely with your child’s school/school district to create a plan for return to school post discharge. Our peer counselor is readily available to educate the staff and students and accompany/provide support for your child on their first day back to school.
- Support Services: After an injury and during disease management, continued support is important to long-term success. We offer opportunities for peer-to-peer and parent-to-parent support, as well as provide resources such as the Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation for additional support.
- Follow-up Check: Our pre-admission coordinator follows up several weeks post discharge by phone to assess how your child has progressed since returning home and reintegrating back into school and/or community living.
- Rehab Follow-up Clinic: At time of discharge, a follow-up appointment is scheduled as appropriate, typically within several months after discharge. The physician, psychologist, physical/occupational therapist, and speech-language pathologist are present during this follow-up visit. This serves as a check-up to assess any further needs in regards to medication, equipment, school or vocational reintegration, behavioral, or social recommendations.
- Adaptive Sports Program: Our program offers free recreational and athletic experiences for children and young adults with physical disabilities.
Please note: Your child’s rehabilitation does not stop once he or she leaves Valley Children’s Hospital; rather you and your child are now equipped to continue the rehab process in the home and outpatient settings.