May Day Post-Test Preparation

  1. Click on this link to open the Post-Test answer sheet for your classroom
  2. Print one answer sheet for each of your students.
  3. From your Pre-Test student list of all children in your classroom, write in the assigned number on each. 
    • NOTE: That same number must be assigned to the same child when the Post-Test answer sheet is completed after May day. This will link pre-knowledge to post-event learned knowledge.
  4. From your student numbered list, write in the test number for each student on the Post-Test answer sheet.
  5. Keep paperwork for Post-Test day.


Post-Test Day

  1. Have video link open and ready for the class to watch.
  2. Give each child the numbered Post-Test assigned answer sheet.  
    • NOTE: Take care that the correct student receives the correct answer sheet with the SAME number to match the Pre-test.
  3. Explain to the students that they are going to watch another video and for each of the four questions, circle the correct answer on their answer sheet.
  4. Start Post-Test Video. (Please do not stop the video at any time until it is concluded.)
  5. At conclusion of Post-Test video, collect all completed answer sheets from students.
  6. Play the “Review” Video for the students to watch. This will correct or reinforce learning if a student missed a question on the Post-Test. The students should NOT have their answer sheets and no changes should be made based on this movie.
  7. Scan both Pre-Test and Post-Test surveys and email to
    • NOTE: Do not send any student information with this email. All data is to remain de-identified, linked only by the test numbers you have entered on the answer sheets.
  8. After receiving email confirmation that the scans have been received, you may discard all answer sheets.