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A Smiling Face, a Life of Service:
Barbara's Journey from Teacher to Volunteer

A visit to the emergency department is stressful for both children and parents, but Volunteer Barbara Bray does her best to try and put them at ease from the moment they walk through the door.

As a greeter, Barbara is one of the first people families meet when they arrive at the Valley Children’s Emergency Department, and she wants to make that first contact the best it can be. “I really like greeting the kids with a smile and trying to make them feel better as I put on their wristband,” she says. Barbara keeps that smile going while she escorts families to their rooms and answers any questions, always trying to make them as comfortable as possible.

An enthusiastic volunteer, Barbara also volunteers as a NICU Cuddler and a Patient Pal. Retired from 23 years of teaching, she is no stranger to working with kids, but says being a Patient Pal is different: “We pick a game to play and laugh together. It’s a little like teaching, but you get to do the fun parts.”

Valley Children's volunteer Barbara plays a game with a patient
Barbara plays a game with a patient during her shift as a Valley Children's Patient Pal volunteer

Volunteers often bring special skills to their roles and Barbara is no exception. She is part of a local sewing group and arranged for them to start making kid-friendly pillowcases to give to patients. When Volunteer Services Coordinator Janet Sabbatini heard about the group, she asked if they could also make some quilts and other special items for NICU babies. Barbara and her group stepped in to fill the need four years ago, and they just keep giving. She’s both proud and humble about the 20 quilts a month they lovingly craft for the tiniest patients: “You just can’t describe what it’s like to walk into a room and offer a child something special that you’ve made.”

But like all Valley Children’s volunteers, it’s the patients that mean the most to Barbara: “My favorite thing is those kids, their cute faces and their bravery.” That’s what keeps her coming back and giving her time to help make their visit just a little bit more fun.


Find Your Calling as a Valley Children's Volunteer

Volunteers are at the heart of Valley Children’s patient experience. If you are called to take time for kids, we invite you to explore open volunteer opportunities and join the more than 500 volunteers of all ages (and 18 canine teams!) enhancing the healing process for patients and families at Valley Children's Healthcare. Explore volunteer opportunities >>