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Frequently Asked Questions About Speech-Language Pathology

How do I prepare my child for speech therapy?
A couple of weeks before therapy, start telling your child about the fun they will have talking and playing with their speech therapist. Let them know you will be with them in each session to watch, learn and play the games at home.

What will happen during the first visit?
The first visit will be “collaborative” to discuss changes since the last time your child was seen. There may be the need for a “mini-assessment” to determine your child’s current skills. The clinician will review therapy expectations: attendance, engagement, home program, etc. Most importantly, though, is the focus on building a positive relationship among clinician, parent and child to set the tone for ongoing teamwork.

Encourage your child to participate in therapy as directed by the clinician. Assist the clinician by helping your child attend to activities, remain in their chair and handle therapy materials with respect.

Will I have a say on what we work on in therapy?
Absolutely! The clinician will discuss with you your child’s communication needs, the results of recent speech/language testing and gains that can be expected during the therapy series. It may take a couple of sessions, but specific goals will be developed for your child at the end of this process.

What can I do to set my child up for successful therapy sessions?
Bring your child to therapy well rested with a snack eaten before the session. Take your child to the restroom before the session so we don’t lose any time. Have therapy sessions be a special time with you and your child by not bringing other children to the visits.

If there is a time when this cannot be avoided, we will see your child on our own and provide you an overview of the visit when we’re done.

What can I do at home to help my child meet goals?
Complete homework assignments as directed by your child’s clinician. Talk to your clinician if homework isn’t going well, and celebrate with the clinician and child when it is.

If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss with your clinician.