Valley Children’s Pediatric Residency Educational Curriculum
Valley Children’s Hospital has been an active participant in resident education, having trained thousands of physicians over the past four decades. The Valley Children’s Residency Program has a robust and diverse educational curriculum focused on developing the clinical and interpersonal skills required to practice medicine.

Academic Half Day
The Academic Half Day (AHD) is a resident-focused 18-month rotating curriculum that provides learners with protected time for education, exploration and camaraderie with peers in a safe learning environment. The curriculum is based largely upon the General Pediatric content domains specified by the American Board of Pediatrics. In addition, the Program provides sessions focused on the ACGME CLER (Clinical Learning Environment Review) Pathways to Excellence, as we recognize the importance of the clinical learning environment that supports the well-being and success of students, residents and faculty. Subspecialty and interprofessional instruction is provided through several modalities including case-based discussion, board review, game-based sessions and interactive, hands on-simulation. Residents learn how to apply evidence-based medicine principles through Journal Club, and also have the opportunity to hone their teaching skills in a low-stakes, supportive environment as moderators – under the guidance of primary care faculty – of the primary care curriculum.
Hospital-Wide, Interprofessional Events
Valley Children’s Pediatric Residency embraces the fact that we are a team of individuals practicing together who welcome interprofessional education where we learn from, about, and with each other. Regularly scheduled hospital-wide events include palliative care talks, Schwartz Rounds®, rehab care conferences, Case Conference, Morbidity & Mortality, Emergency Medical Response (Code Blue) Team M&M, Distinguished Lecture Series, Grand Rounds and our Annual Interprofessional Education Day.
Additional Educational Opportunities
- Morning report
- Town Hall – Program leadership updates
- Spanish Club – Informal gathering for beginners to native speakers
- READY (Resident Engagement and Debrief For You) – Small group debriefing sessions lead by a specially trained team of social workers and spiritual support staff
- Monthly house staff meetings
- Resident-only Q&A with Valley Children’s Healthcare CEO and CMO
- Radiology rounds
- Bedside neurology rounds
- Just-in-time simulation, task trainer simulation and annual ED bootcamp
- Mega codes – preparing for mass casualties and natural disasters