May Day Pretest

We very much appreciate you facilitating your class to participate in a measurement of what your students learned at the MayDay! MayDay! Have a Safe and Healthy Summer! event this year.  

This will assist us in improving learning content of our event from one year to the next.

Pre-Test Preparation

  • Click on this link to open the Pre-Test answer sheet for your classroom.
  • Print one answer sheet for each of your students.
  • Make a student list of all children in your classroom and assign one number to each. That number is what you will write on the Pre-Test answer sheet.  
  • NOTE: That same number must be assigned to the same child when the Post-Test answer sheet is completed for after MayDay. This will link pre-knowledge to post-event learned knowledge.
  • From your student numbered list, write in the test number for each student on the Pre-Test answer sheet.
  • Keep paperwork for Pre-Test day.

Pre-Test Day

  • Have video (below) open and ready for the class to watch.
  • Give each child the numbered Pre-Test assigned answer sheet.  
  • Explain to the students they are going to watch a video and for each of the four questions, circle the correct answer on their answer sheet.
  • Start Pre-Test Video. (Please do not stop the video at any time until it is concluded.)
  • At conclusion of Pre-Test video, collect all completed answer sheets and place in envelope.