Fetal Echocardiography
Fetal echocardiography (echo) uses
sound waves to check the heart of your developing baby.
Fetal echo can help find heart
defects before birth. If a heart problem can be found early, treatment is more likely
work. This is because:
- Health care providers may be able to
treat the problem before the birth, in some cases.
- Health care providers can get ready
for problems that may happen during labor and delivery.
- An early delivery can be scheduled.
- After the baby is born, treatment may
be done. This might be medicine or surgery, or both.
Health care providers advise fetal
echo when:
- Another child was born with a heart
- There's a family history of genetic
heart problems.
- A genetic problem is found in the
- You are taking certain medicines that
may cause congenital heart defects. These include certain medicines for seizures,
depression, and acne. They also include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines
(NSAIDs) and blood pressure medicines (ACE inhibitors).
- You have abused alcohol or drugs
during your pregnancy.
- You have certain health problems, such
as diabetes, lupus, or phenylketonuria.
- You've had certain infections during
your pregnancy. These include German measles (rubella) and cytomegalovirus.
- You had abnormal test results from
other tests.
- You conceived by assisted reproductive
- Your baby was noted to have too fast,
slow, or irregular heartbeats on exam.
- A fetal ultrasound finds
- You became pregnant at an advanced age.
If you have risk factors, such as a
family history of heart problems, fetal echoes are often done in the second trimester
pregnancy. This is at about 18 to 24 weeks.
Fetal echo does not have any risks for either the baby or mother. The
lowest possible ultrasound settings are used.
You don't need to do anything to get ready for fetal echo. Plan for 30 minutes to
2 hours for the test.
During the Test
A specially trained pediatric
cardiologist, maternal-fetal medicine specialist, obstetrician, or radiologist does
fetal echo. In general, here is what happens:
- You will lie on an exam table. You
probably won’t need to change your clothes.
- The health care provider will put gel
on your belly.
- The provider will use a handheld
electronic device called a transducer that sends out sound waves.
- They will move the transducer around
to get the best images of the fetal heart. You may feel pressure as the transducer
moves over your belly.
- When the exam is complete, the gel is
wiped off.
Sometimes an endovaginal echocardiogram is done early in pregnancy to
monitor the developing baby's heartbeat. The provider puts a small echocardiogram
into the vagina instead of putting it on the belly.
After the Test
Your health care provider will look
at the results. You may need more tests or procedures. They may include:
Treatment. This may be medicine or procedures to treat
fetal heart problems.
Fetal wellness assessments. To check overall fetal
health, you may be asked to count fetal movements.
Nonstress test. This checks fetal heart rate and
Biophysical profile (BPP). This is an ultrasound exam
to check overall fetal health. It checks heart rate, breathing, movement, muscle
tone, and the amount of amniotic fluid.
Ultrasounds or echocardiography. These are tests done to
confirm the diagnosis. They also follow fetal growth, watch for fetal heart changes,
and check for other problems.
Amniocentesis. This test can find chromosomal and genetic
disorders and certain birth defects. The health care provider puts a needle through
the abdominal and uterine wall and into the amniotic sac. They take a sample of
amniotic fluid.
Genetic counseling. A counselor helps you learn your risks
of having a baby with genetic defects.
Next Steps
Before you agree to the test or procedure, make sure you know:
- The name of the test or
- The reason you are having the test or
- What results to expect and what they
- The risks and benefits of the test or
- What the possible side effects or
complications are.
- When and where you are to have the
test or procedure.
- Who will do the test or procedure and
what that person’s qualifications are.
- What would happen if you did not have
the test or procedure.
- Any other tests or procedures to think
- When and how you will get the
- Who to call after the test or
procedure if you have questions or problems.
- How much you will have to pay for the
test or procedure.